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Listening and responding to all our young people and their parents/carers is of the upmost importance to us.

The Learning Community Trust and its academies aim to meet statutory obligations when responding to complaints from parents/carers of
pupils and others.

When responding to complaints, we aim to:

  • Be impartial and non-adversarial
  • Facilitate a full and fair investigation, where necessary by an independent person
  • Address the points at issue and provide an effective and prompt response
  • Respect complainants’ desire for confidentiality
  • Treat complainants with respect and courtesy
  • Make sure that any decisions we make are lawful, rational, reasonable, fair and proportionate
  • Keep complainants informed of the progress of the complaints process
  • Consider how the complaint can feed into school improvement processes


Wherever possible, we will try to resolve concerns or complaints by informal means. Where this is not possible, formal procedures will be followed. 

The trust will aim to give the complainant the opportunity to complete the complaints procedure in full. To support this, we will make sure we publicise the existence of the procedure and make it available on the both the Trust and academy websites.  You can find a copy of our complaints procedure here.

Throughout the process, we will be sensitive to the needs of all parties involved, and make any reasonable adjustments needed to accommodate

If, after reading the procedure, you would like to raise a complaint, you can do so by completing the following form:

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