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Safeguarding out of hours and useful information
To support our young people and their families, we have listed some of the out of hours services for contacting for support.
Important information
If you, or someone you know needs urgent help outside of our academies opening hours please contact one of the following 24-hour services. Please remember, if you are concerned that you or someone you know is at immediate risk of serious harm, please phone 999 or make your way to A&E.
Keeping you safe
Useful links and out-of-hours safeguarding information
You can contact the safeguarding team at the relevant academy during opening hours, which can be found on each academies website. You can also request a call-back from the trust regarding a safeguarding concern, by using our contact us page.
Below are some useful links to services and advice in relation to safeguarding and wellbeing.
Useful services
NHS emergency mental health
NHS emergency mental health helpline.
Call: 0808 196 4501
The Mix
Support with mental health, relationship issues, school life and more.