Alison Ashley

Director of Education: Specialist and SEND

Ali Ashley


I’ve worked in special education for 24 years, completing every role possible. I’ve been fortunate to work with some great training providers, both as a participant, facilitator and content creator, delivering within the suite of NPQs for Best Practice Network. I have also been fortunate to develop and direct a specialist Teaching School, working across a local authority and cross-sector to provide school to school support, CPD and ITT. I Co-Chair the National Network of Specialist Provision (NNPS) who are a group of sector leaders working with national organisations to bring about sector led change and to be a sound point of reference for those organisations. I’m also a regional representative for Medicines in Special Schools (MiSS). MiSS seeks to give a voice to school leaders in specialist provision, who want to ensure that their pupils receive high quality health and medical support while they are in education.

As Director of Specialist Education with our Trust, I work with our academies and our leaders to challenge and improve the quality of education, the systems, and processes to deliver that education and hold our leaders to account to be ambitious for our most vulnerable students. I promote and uphold the core values of our Trust, alongside supporting our Trust to further develop their strategic aims and performance measures for specialist education.

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