Deputy Headteacher – Kickstart

We are seeking to appoint an inspirational and dynamic Deputy Headteacher to support the leadership of Kickstart Academy from April 2025 or as soon as possible.

Kickstart Academy is a Key Stage 4 Secondary School Pupil Referral Unit based in the thriving borough of Telford and Wrekin. The provision is going through a period of growth and rapid development as the Trust launch its wider vision in conjunction with the Local Authority to ensure our most vulnerable young people have the very best education.

The growth of Kickstart is linked to the DfE change project which has seen the provision grow from a 48 PAN Local Authority commissioned academy single centre to a three tier offer that meets the needs of all students. The different provisions provide a pathway to support our students back into mainstream or fully prepare them for further education, employment or training.

The structure places our students at the heart of every decision and it is this principle that allows us to fulfil the vision for Kickstart. Our students have a lived experience where they are supported beyond the norms, where therapeutic care and support holds equal priority to that of the academic curriculum. We want our students to ‘buy back in’ to their education, see its value and strive to meet their potential.

To deliver on these drivers, the provision has developed bespoke curriculums that provide launchpads for student regardless of starting points. Curriculums that focus on the core building blocks of English and Maths, additional qualifications that lead to college or employment, work related qualifications to ensure readiness for industry and above all a pastoral element to support the development of the individual. This entwinned curriculum offer, whilst still in development, provides our students with a solid foundation that ignites a thirst for the next stage of their lives.

To support the delivery of such an ambitious curriculum and therapeutic approaches, the academy have developed a strong staffing body that care deeply for each and every student. The academy is developing its staffing in line with the new demands of the curriculum and this is an exciting time to join the provision as we shape roles and responsibilities. We have an established delivery team of teachers who are complimented by strong, dedicated support staff who always place the needs of the student first. Our wider staffing body of behaviour, pastoral and therapeutic staff combine to provide a team around the student.

The Trust vision for Kickstart is to provide the very best for each and every student, their families and their communities so it is clear that we need outstanding leaders whose vision and values align. Working within a Pupil Referral Unit setting is such a rewarding role but not without challenge, and as a result it is clear that an education skill base has to be matched with a resilience and a dedication beyond those expected. The ability to drive behavioural standards, drive high quality curriculum and compliment the pastoral provision of the academy is essential.

Our ideal candidate will demonstrate a range of skills, experience and qualities:

· Educated to degree level, with a recognised qualified teacher status (QTS number). Equivalent experience will be considered alongside a commitment from successful candidate to achieve QTS

· Aligned to the LCT ethos and approach.

· Leadership experience in a middle or senior position with substantial evidence of proven success.

· Experience in instigating, leading and managing change, leading to improvement.

· An excellent classroom practitioner.

· Sound knowledge of current effective educational practices, policies and development.

· Ability to develop and implement manage change.

· A clear commitment to a broad and balanced curriculum and the extra-curricular offer as being essential in a successful academy.

· A clear commitment to an inclusive school society and the behaviours that promote that climate.

· A team player who can work effectively as part of senior management.

· Strong track record in working with all elements of an academy community.

· Proven capacity as a resilient and reliable decision-maker.

· Able to seek and act on advice from peers, fellow professionals and team members.

· Able to demonstrate substantial and relevant impact in current and previous roles.

· An understanding of what it means to be an effective Deputy.

· An egalitarian commitment to equality for all members of the school community

· Integrity, honesty and humility

If you would like to have a tour and visit the school, prior to making an application, then please contact Dawn Rogers on 01952 387. Further information can be found at

Please complete our application form and the written information requested and submit to