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Professional learning team

To provide our staff with the knowledge and skills needed to provide the best possible education for our children and young people across the trust and beyond.

The trust has developed an

Outstanding team

The aim of the professional learning team is to provide the very best training and support packages to all Learning Community Trust employees, that leads to confident, forward thinking and committed staff. Through working together, accessing the very latest research and training, our staff will have the opportunities to grow within our academies and be the leaders of the future.

Co-ordination of best practice identification and dissemination is led by the Professional learning team. Recognising that the best way to create change is through peers, the team liaises effectively with Learning Community Trust talent, driving high quality delivery alongside our external partners.

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Lindsay Galbraith

External professional learning coordinator

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Rachael Harris

Primary professional learning

DSC 4909

Richard Gummery

Assistant Director


After earning degrees in Sports Science and Accounting & Finance Management, I initially pursued careers in sports and banking. However, a year later I felt...

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Sam Morris

Early careers teachers coordinator